Thursday, August 7, 2008

Remembering Isaac

In loving memory of Isaac Firman Poole

Some babies are so precious they change your life without being born. The sound of nothing where there should have been a heartbeat hurt my ears more than bad music. When I think of your birthday I can’t stomach the thought of cake.

There must be millions of kids like you in Heaven. The ones unplanned, unwanted, unloved. Do you know you’re different? That you were our special surprise, much wanted and very loved. Do you know that I’m jealous that Jesus gets to hold you while I just cry and hold your Mom?
You drew your first breath in Eternity.

You’ll never cough or choke from secondhand smoke.
You never scraped your knee or bumped your head.
I never rocked you before going to bed.
I wanted you to pee on me during bath time and burp up on my nice clean shirt.
I won’t hear your first cries, or laughter, or words.
You drew your first breath in Eternity.

You’d really love Hans and Esther. They would take you everywhere with them and be so proud of their little brother. And I’m sure you would teach them to share. Hans is just learning about his shadow and you’ve never even seen the sunlight, yet you live in the brilliance of the glory of God.
You drew your first breath in Eternity.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What beautiful thoughts. I think so many couples (especially if they have other children) do not name their unborn babies miscarried so early, and thoughts of them fade so easily. But all life should be treasured, even one so young as this. Maybe even more. Isn't it a sign of God's amazing grace that he was able to affect your lives so profoundly without ever having even lived outside the womb? Wow, that's special.