Friday, March 13, 2009

Like Father, like Son

Hans really likes to imitate me. I find this to be both a sobering challenge and an opportunistic adventure of character development. I mean the development of both of us. As I ask God to continue His transforming work in my heart I strive to pour as much love and life example into Hans as I possibly can. We read books, wrestle, work on the car, put salt in the water softener, and last week we attended Hans' first pipe organ concert.

Simple things like these have built our relationship and have allowed me to see early fruit in the harvest of righteousness. To the chagrin of some modern "psychologists", faithful consistent discipline doesn't drive kids away. Rather, it beckons them home to the security of love they can trust. A few nights ago, Hans had a bad dream and I heard him calling out in the darkness "Daddy...Daddy". He clung tightly to me and I realized for as much as we tell him he's a big boy, he still feels pretty small. He calmed down as I prayed and spoke God's Word over him.

Besides the tender moments, I also treasure the funny quips that leave the mouth of my three-year old. I was home from work the past couple days with a bout of intestinal flu, during which time Hans had been asking every couple hours "Are you better?"

Finally, this morning I was gathering my things to head back to work and Hans asked, "How did you get sick?" "I'm not sure, buddy, I just got some kind of stomach bug."
Flashing one of those "been there and lived to tell about it" smiles he replied wistfully, "Oh, Daddy...I eat bugs, too!"

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