Monday, June 16, 2008

All But Dissertation

Have you ever had an experience or maybe a 'season' of life in which you decided if you could do anything to help others avoid the same pitfalls you would do it? Perhaps you have discovered something so joyous or wonderful you must share it with everyone you meet.

Well, consider yourself warned...Some of my posts will merely be written out of compassionate service to those who are suffering from insomnia in one of its many forms. Not all, but some, and I'll let you be the judge to that end. But I suppose some of my posts may cause otherwise normal people to suffer from insomnia induced by hyperthinking - also known as the inability to turn off your brain.

And if we reach both coasts of that literary landscape while tilling much meaningful soil inbetween then my efforts will be fruitful as together we are strengthened by grace.


Jennifer Poole said...

Time to put on my thinking cap.... where did it go, anyway...
Great intro, Lance.
-love, Jenn

Lance said...

Thanks...but I had to change the title again; I found a blog by the same previous name. There is probably one by this title, too. Oh, well. I'll keep trying.